Sunday, January 21, 2007


Lars seems to be doing a fair amount of crying & fussing this morning, not the hysterical screaming in pain he had been doing, but not happy. Andey was able to get him to eat breakfast through his tears.

Andey kicked me out last night. She really needed to be there with Lars, so teary Mama left. On my way out of the hospital into the bitter cold night air, I walked by a mom pushing a boy about 10 years old in a wheelchair. He was screaming & writhing & looked like he was in pain. I gently stopped her and just said, "I know how hard this is. Take care of yourself." Her eyes welled up in tears & she nodded. I feel my strong membership in the 'moms of kids with special needs' club.

Went on to Sudbury & picked up Joa from his big date with Hanna. Joa had a fantastic time & was all smiles last night. However, he woke up really whiney & not feeling well, and rightly insisted that he was not able to go to the hospital because he might infect the kids there. As much as I wanted to go & wanted his contagion not to be true, it just was.

Andey said Lars was comfortable most of the night with the valium, asleep off & on.

I've spend the morning cuddling Joa (who doesn't want to go anywhere), getting his hair washed, and doing logistical arrangements. Suzie's goin' over to get Andey a break now, Denise is coming over here to take care of Joa this afternoon, and Kali will cover Joa overnight while Andey is working. Where would we be without you dear friends?

Andey has also talked her mom into flying out from California. Yeah Grandma! Last we heard she may be arriving this Thursday & staying perhaps a week & a half. That will be fantastic, especially as I teach a brand new 15-week class starting this Tuesday & then an intensive on 5 upcoming Sundays: 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25 & 3/4. Combined with all the meetings & work we're doing to get Lars transitioned into preschool in the next 6 weeks, and trying to get the Mechanic street house on the market, we were kind of at our limit before this illness...

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