Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1st day back at Perkins

Lars had a great day his first day back at Perkins. He goes on Tuesday mornings. He stayed awake the whole way there, and all the way through the group, worked with Suzie and Allie, had group music therapy with Jill, and went apple picking with the group. We at lunch at the lower school & then had fun playing on the playground @ preschool. He's totally into the little slide & learned today how to scoot himself so that he would go down. Does it count as his first step toward independent mobility??

Sunday, September 10, 2006

sunday school

Feeling much better, Little Lars went to his first sunday school preschool class at our UU church in Framingham today. He had a great time!! He has 1:1 support there with 3 amazing and generous women from the BRE committee, our special needs religious education committee, who take turns accompanying him to sunday school. When I showed up after teaching Joa's class, Lars was hanging out on the swings with his shades on looking way cool. 3 other kids in his class belong to friends of ours, so it's a very sweet experience. Tomorrow's a big day with taking Joa to his first day of school, PT (physical therapy) at 9:15, Music Together at 10:30, then going with the moms to see a whole bunch of houses for sale, then a hair cut (about time!) at 5:00, then a 9/11 commemorative service at 7:00.