Sunday, September 10, 2006

sunday school

Feeling much better, Little Lars went to his first sunday school preschool class at our UU church in Framingham today. He had a great time!! He has 1:1 support there with 3 amazing and generous women from the BRE committee, our special needs religious education committee, who take turns accompanying him to sunday school. When I showed up after teaching Joa's class, Lars was hanging out on the swings with his shades on looking way cool. 3 other kids in his class belong to friends of ours, so it's a very sweet experience. Tomorrow's a big day with taking Joa to his first day of school, PT (physical therapy) at 9:15, Music Together at 10:30, then going with the moms to see a whole bunch of houses for sale, then a hair cut (about time!) at 5:00, then a 9/11 commemorative service at 7:00.

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