Sunday, October 21, 2007


Such an intense trade-off: eating and drinking for feeling good. Woah.

Really seems to me that the neurontin--which by all accounts appears to be what soothed Lars' terrible pain from last winter & has kept it at bay--has almost completely erased his appetite, desire to eat, willingness to allow food & drink past his lips... This morning he had explosive diarrhea and threw up all his meds (I think the amoxicillin is getting to him), and even in the wake of that I tried & tried to get him to drink a little sip of water to clear his mouth of all that nastiness. No go. Nothing. He eats a few bites a week, here & there. Some weeks he drinks some sips, others nothing.

This is a boy who used to love to eat. And drink.

But this is also a boy who used to scream for hours and days and weeks on end, and now he's happy.