Wednesday, September 10, 2008


How Lars was standing before the recent mishap with his leg...which, by the way, is getting better slowly. He's moving it on his own now, but is still guarding it closely.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's been a while since we've had pics like these on the blog, eh? Larsy landed himself in the hospital today with--get this, are you ready?--a common little boy-type injury sustained on a playground. Yippee! I love it.

Well, we don't even really know if that was the cause, but it seems he took a little tumble off a swing on the church playground & pulled a muscle or tendon or ligament or something in his left leg. It did take a 7-hour children's hospital ER visit to rule out any fracture or break, or infection, dislocation, or water retention. But, we have the green light to assume that it's a pulled sumthin' from his little playground tumble. Perfect. Give him motrin & let him rest the leg. Sweet.