Wednesday, January 21, 2009

help me out here

Okay, so Lars has been teething. Cutting these big giant six-year molars. He's never been a great teether, and these are no exception. Seems like they've been coming in for months and we're not done. They change his whole system, he gets fevers, drools, is in lots of pain, pink cheeks, red ears, etc., and most of all he gets intermittent pain and intense grumpiness. That's what I think has been going on the last few days. Monday & Tuesday he melted down at school, essentially presented as sick, I got called in, and he got sent home early. This morning I didn't even send him in. But then after he's gone from school--usually already on the ride home--he stops crying, chills out and is happy-as-a-clam boy with tons of energy, smiles, etc.

Okay, that said he also seems to have developed somewhat of a...shall we say dislike for being asked to work, at home or at school. It is my opinion that for some time he has been connecting the dots between whine/complain and get out of work. It's been a fine line to walk between pushing him to do a little more while reassuring / distracting / encouraging / singing or whatever it takes....and him tripping over that line and landing splat in I am utterly miserable and can't get myself out of it mode. I think his time in severe pain a couple years ago laid down and paved for him not only a neuro pathway for pain, but a superhighway that's like a wind tunnel, and any travels close to that highway suck him right into it. Once he's there, it's awfully difficult to locate and successfully take an exit ramp.

So the current question is has Mr. Cause-&-Effect now comprehended a larger cause & effect loop than he'd previously understood? Can he now pull I'm so sad my teeth hurt and if I melt down enough and pitch enough of a fit Mama or Michelle Sharpe or Allie will come pick me up and I'll get out of work?? Am I underestimating him to even question that he could get that? And if he is doing that, what am I going to do about it? How to know when he's actually sick? How to pay bills when I can't go to, or stay at, work? School can't be expected to deal with a screaming miserable boy who can't participate in the program. But I can't just come get him when he doesn't feel like working. I've had several conversations with him about it, but alas, our receptive vocabulary just isn't quite there....

O wise friends, what do you think?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lars' fruit & veggie adventures of the day.