Thursday, January 25, 2007


Lars is resting peacefully after his anesthesia. Hasn't woken up yet.

Nutin'. Nutin' found, nutin' wrong, nutin' new. Nutin' knew.

No esophagitis, no ulcer. No inflammation. Everything looks normal. Biopsies will take a week.

Lars has the impedance study happening, so there's a catheter in his nose, down his throat & sitting at the base of his esophagus. It has several sensors on it that measure what ph is where. A machine is recording all this data from his probe. We're gonna get intimate with it the next 22 hours, pushing buttons to tell it when he's upright, when he's horizontal, when he's arching his back, when he seems to be having abdominal pain, when he's having noticeable reflux, and when he's eating.

We also keep a log of everything that goes in his mouth & exactly what time.

Within the week, someone manually enters into a computer the information from the machine and what we've written, and they analyze it.

We've been wondering about celiac disease.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodnight. I am going to bed with you all in my heart. Love to you.