Monday, September 17, 2007

nose wiping

Ah, Mama's behind on blogging again. I'll blame it on busy @ work, 2 1/2-day workshop Thur-Fri-Sat, & serious upcoming changes in our family situation.

Let me just say now that while Lars & I just had a 99% sweet & wonderful morning, I completely spoiled it at the end with the dreaded nose wiping.

I warn him, I let him feel the wipey, I sing a little song about it, I touch the nose area gently with my fingers first to try to desensitize it, I wipe gingerly, I apologize profusely...nothing seems to touch the trauma that is nose wiping. 15 verses of Wheels on the Bus while rocking in his favorite chair & nuzzling barely lessened the sting.

Why? Why is nose wiping such a big deal? Am I really supposed to let the crusty stuff sit there? Should I sneak in while he's asleep? No. I know. I just wipe the nose as respectfully as possible & deal with the fallout.

I don't get to see Lars again today awake, so why did I chose the last ten minutes before getting on the bus to assault the nose?

It was there.

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