I'm trying to get a letter ready for our meeting with the Marlborough school people tomorrow morning, and grade many many papers, and listen to many many student recordings, and prepare a presentation for a conference this coming weekend.
Turning school stuff over & over in my mind...thinking about the whole situation, many comments from friends, what we're going to say tomorrow.
Plan of action is tomorrow we meet with two bureaucrats to "talk about the IEP." Then we request a meeting directly with the sped director. Depending on the outcome of those two meetings, we likely file a formal complaint with DOE Program Quality Assurance because the district is out of compliance not having a TVI for Lars. Later tonight I'll post a draft of the letter on the ed blog.
Bringing Lars at the beginning of school tomorrow, but he won't be in the class without at least one of us (or a TVI). We'll bring him with us to the IEP meeting. Wish our advocate could come, but too short notice; she's busy.
Thrilled with the music therapist they've hired (Kathleen); will feel fine about the 1:1 aide after she gets training in how to deal with multiply impaired blind toddler; underwhelmed with the classroom teacher & OT; and downright concerned about speech & PT.
Lars has been feeling pretty good. Loves his new massage mat that he received from friends for his birthday. It was his buddy Suzie's birthday yesterday, so I put Deborah Henson Conant's birthday song on, and he did a birthday breakdance in her honor:
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