Lars has spent Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday alternating between unable to stay awake, crashing headlong into pain, sobbing, and feeling okay-ish. The nights have been particularly brutal, with long inconsolable sobbing spells. I don't think it's as bad as the same situation would have been before the neurontin, venting, and g-tube. At least he's alternating & not screaming for eleven hours straight like he once did. Actually right now he's happily playing in his little room.
Lots of folks thought "Cruella DeVille" probably referred to a new doctor, & were pleasantly surprised at the happy musical content. Have to say I'm thrilled not to have named a doctor after Cruella. Yet.
Andey's been rearranging furniture & working wonders here on ash street. Such a sweet little house; suits us well. Looking forward to the end of mud season.
Had fun in the Worcestr St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday. We were there with
Mercy Centre, the special needs school where I've worked for six years.
They've been incredibly wonderful & understanding through all our trials, and are astoundingly strong supporters of & believers in music therapy.
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