7 West has heard our plea to first keep Lars as comfortable as possible. He was on his favorite loopy med (Versed) on a 3-hour schedule all night & that went pretty well. They tell me it's what they use for conscious sedation. It only lasts about 1.5 to 2 hours, though, and it was given on a 3-hour basis, so each cycle had a chunk of time when his pain was increasing, peaking, and then decreasing as the Versed was absorbed.
It is knocking him pretty far out, so they've just switched to valium, which is longer lasting.
Dr. Grandpa Uninformative is on the case again. Came by and talked a blue streak, saying basically nothing. Lisa M., who had been here about an hour this morning by the time he arrived, remarked how notable it was that he said nothing she didn't already know. Yep. This is the guy who, when I was on the phone last Monday looking for any advice for my screaming babe asked if I'd tried pepto bismal.
Lisa & Kali both brought me darkroast this morning & I wasted no time sucking both coffees down.
Andey was here for about an hour, bringing the comptuer charger (the laptop was dead all night) & Joa, who spent the night with the Schwabs again. Lisa M.'s going to take Joa to meet Hanna for a movie and pizza this afternoon. If Lars goes to sleep I'll try to work more on my syllabi.
Somewhere outside the walls of this hospital room, the world is marching on.
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